
Why Following Regulations Matters in Bali’s Property Development

Lembongan Island, usually known for its peaceful vibe, recently made headlines due to a controversial villa construction project. This incident highlights just how crucial it is to follow the rules, especially in a place like Bali, where the environment and cultural traditions are so closely guarded.   Authorities Halt Unpermitted Construction A shocking video has gone viral, showing a...

Legal Sanction for Building without PBG-SLF Permit in Indonesia

So you have big plans for your property in Indonesia like a new house to call home, a spacious office upgrade, or maybe even a stylish instagrammable restaurant for your new business. Before you go far with those plans, there's one crucial step you can't skip: apply for building permits.   Type of Building Permits in Indonesia  Ensuring the safety and functionality of buildings is highly...

What’s going on in Bali’s real estate market and off-plan projects

What could possibly go wrong? We all know that for sometime it's been a bit like gold rush out there around real estate in Bali. Market seem to overflow with off-plan villas and town houses as well as apartments and more. An awful lot actually and one wonder how this will turn out in terms of possible temporarily oversupply for that particular part of the market. Smaller units sold. How will...

Land Registration Initiative in Bali Paves the Way for More Investment

Indonesia is taking a significant step towards boosting investment opportunities in Bali with a comprehensive land registration initiative. Led by the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning (ATR/BPN), this program aims to register all land plots on the island, fostering greater legal certainty for land ownership. This improved clarity will not only benefit property owners but also...

What Does SLF Certificate Mean for Your Building in Indonesia?

When it comes to property ownership and the management in Indonesia, there's an important certificate called the SLF (Sertifikat Laik Fungsi). In this article, we'll break down what an SLF building is, why having this certificate matters, and how you can get one. What is an SLF Building? An SLF building, or Sertifikat Laik Fungsi, is a certificate given by the local government in Indonesia. This...

South Jakarta Residents Challenge the Building Permit of Indian Embassy

Residents in East Kuningan, South Jakarta, challenge the planned construction of a new Indian embassy. They allege the project was approved without their approval. Lawyer David Tobing, representing the residents who live near the embassy, says over 20 of them strongly oppose the project and have filed a lawsuit to revoke the building permit. Violation of Law The problem seems to be the legality...

Understanding Legal Framework of Building Permits in Indonesia 

From the hectic offices to residential neighborhoods, securing building permits is a mandatory step in ensuring legality of a construction project. In this article, we will explain the significance of building permits in Indonesia in simple terms. Understanding the dynamics will certainly make your business run smoothly.  3 Types of Building Permits in Indonesia  Like many other countries,...

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